03 March 2011

"Obsessed with the making..."

.. a gem from the poet,E.E. Cummings:

"If a poet is anybody, he is somebody to whom things ‘made’ matter very little — somebody who is obsessed with the Making. Like all obsessions, the Making has advantages: for instance, my only interest in making money would be to make it. Fortunately, however, I should prefer to make almost anything else, including locomotives and roses. It is with locomotives, not to mention acrobats, spring electricity, Coney Island, the 4th of July, the eyes of mice and Niagara Falls that my poems are competing. They are also competing with each other, with elephants and El Greco."
e. e. cummings 

Custom apron for a little girl who bought it for her grandmother ~ Nonna. I had a great time designing and painting this for this customer and her mother.

Nonna received it for Valentine's day and LOVED it!  Order yours today 

Custom Apron by LaloBean