20 February 2011

Do You Believe It?

It's the third week in February.
Time has been moving like greased lightning and molasses all at the same time. Is this what February has always been like and I just never notice it before?

Changes are coming sooner than I want to think - big changes. After a great deal of angst, I had to tell my roommate and long time friend to move out.

On an up note, my favorite niece is getting married in August. I want to make her the most beautiful jewelry to wear and have been scouring Etsy's DIY wedding shops for accessories and ideas. LOL, I'm turning her into a big Etsy fan this year!

03 February 2011

FAILURE DOES NOT EQUAL DEFEAT (Or is that the other way around?)

Wild Things I
It's amazing what you can and cannot see about a piece when you photograph it.  Yikes!  LOL...  Okay, I NEVER claimed to be a photographer. Clearly I need a better camera or a clos(er) up lens.  This camera advertised close up capability but forgot to say - If yah wanna get real details you have to be satisfied with the chic blurry look. Oh well... live and learn.

Tiny meltdown.... Breathing deeply, 1,2,3,4,5,6... I am not defeated! I am not defeated! Everything happens for a reason! Everything Happens for a reason! I am exactly where I need to Be. I am exactly where I need to be, I am exactly where I need to be.....    Breathing, breathing, calm, cal, calmer now....

Back on track... in addition to taking bad pics and seeing a couple of flaws, courtesy of my new friend, the all seeing camera, a wing broke off one of my little birds ( a new clay I was trying out). Ouch! Better now than later, eh?

Uhm... I'm going to have a bubble bath and relax and allow the next steps to emerge. It's all good! The brooches will have to become pendants because the pin backs were defective and a new bird will have to be made. That's all there is to it... No problems.
Wild Things II

 "Wild thing...you make my heart sing...
You make everything
I said wild thing...

Wild thing, I think I love you

But I wanna know for sure
Come on, hold me tight
I love you

Wild thing...you make my heart sing...

You make everything
I said wild thing...

Wild thing, I think you move me

But I wanna know for sure
So come on, hold me tight
You move me."
Wild Thing ~ Written and sung by the Troggs in 1966

Peace out Peeps! 